Sweet Swap - Binance Smart Chain DEX With Liquidity Pool Management is a full DEX dApp with a smart contracts that you can use for your project to allow people to exchange cryptocurrency on your site. It allows also to add/remove liquidity from the pools di...
Sweet Swap - Binance Smart Chain DEX With Liquidity Pool Management is a full DEX dApp with a smart contracts that you can use for your project to allow people to exchange cryptocurrency on your site. It allows also to add/remove liquidity from the pools directly on your site. This solution is perfect for new crypto projects that don't have the capacity to inflate their own liquidity on the start - because it uses PancakeSwap liquidity out of the box. Platform owner still receives exchange fees/tax, you can set the swap fee anywhere from 0% to 100%.
PancakeSwap is a decentralized exchange (DEX) that operates on the Binance Smart Chain (BSC), which is a blockchain network that runs in parallel with Binance Chain. It is similar in concept to Uniswap, but it operates on the BSC instead of the Ethereum blockchain. PancakeSwap, like Uniswap, utilizes an automated market maker (AMM) model to enable users to swap various tokens without the need for a traditional order book. This script uses PancakeSwap router.
If you have any questions or need assistance with the setup, contact us on Telegram: @zilab_technologies